The Full-Electric ROTOMIX-e version is a unique and revolutionary model because it exploits the potentialities and the couple reserves of the electric brush-less engines, leaving almost totally the hydraulics. The impressive silence, the reduction of risks dues to use of fossil fuel, the energy saving (specially in collaboration with solar panels), the absence of harmful emissions on the work environments project ROTOMIX in an eco-friendly future.

At every function his engine: cutter, mill, auger mixing, barrel rotation, traction and services controller. The power of the brush-less engines from 30 kW to 80 kW are managed by a singles inverter that allow targeted and detailed settings. The facilities of the personalisation (mill speed, cutter, etc.) exalt the already know organoleptic characteristics of ROTOMIX’s unifeed: clean cut of the fibres, absence of heating, softness and perfect mixing.